It's been over three years since I last posted. A lot has changed.
I had a baby.
My husband got a full time ministry job.
I moved to Michigan.
I've learned a lot about life and people and myself.
Mostly myself.
I learned I am not a food blogger. I am a cook and a baker and a photographer but I am not a food blogger.
I learned that that's okay.
I learned that I am not the kind of blogger that can post on a regular schedule and that if I try to hold myself to a schedule I will fail and then not blog at all for three years.
I learned that that's okay.
I learned that if I try to center my life around what I think other people expect of me I will fail.
I learned that that's okay too because it was never supposed to be all about them anyway.
But there's one lesson I learned that is more important than all the others.
I learned that I can't make myself a better person. Only God can do that. I was looking at the Christian life all wrong. I was reading the Bible and seeing the things that I needed to change and trying to do it all in my own strength. I was trying to complete the checklist of things I thought made me a "good" Christian so that God would be pleased with me. God wasn't interested in my checklist of good Christianity. He wanted my heart. He wanted my life. He wanted ME. I was so busy trying to be a "good" Christian that I didn't have time for Him.
And I leaned that that's not okay, because it's not all about me either.
It's all about Him.
So this fresh start comes with a different perspective. This blog isn't going to be about me. It's not going to be about what I am eating or what contests I'm entering or what events are going on in my life. It's going to be about Him.
One of the best things I did in the last three years was read a book called Women Living Well by Courtney Joseph. (It's a fabulous book. I suggest it to anybody striving to be a godly wife, mother, or woman.) Courtney also runs a most excellent blog over at and today she is starting a series called Blogging through the Bible. It is just what I am looking for in a Bible study in this season of my life and I am super excited about it. If you are looking for a Bible study I highly suggest you check it out!
As I read through the Bible over the next however many years it takes, I will be posting my thoughts on what I read. I can't promise consistent posting. I can't promise tha what I post will be interesting to anybody.
But I can promise that what I post will not be forced. It will be real. It will be from my heart.
I hope it speaks to somebody out there. I hope that I can bring joy or hope to somebody who needs it. Nobody starts a blog without the hopes of people reading it and being touched in some way by what they read.
But if not, if the only person who ever reads this is me, if all this blog ever becomes is a way for me to organize my own scattered thoughts as I strive to learn what it really does mean to be a follower of Christ, then so be it.
Because that's okay too.